House of Flame and Shadow by Sarah J. Maas is the thrilling third installment in the fantasy series, following the global bestsellers House of Earth and Blood and House of Sky and Breath.
In House of Flame and Shadow by Sarah J. Maas, Bryce Quinlan finds herself stranded in a new world, longing to return to Midgard where her loved ones await. With trust in short supply, navigating this unfamiliar realm becomes a race against time.
Meanwhile, Hunt Athalar is trapped in the Asteri’s dungeons, desperate to aid Bryce but powerless under the Asteri’s control. As the stakes rise, both characters must confront their deepest fears and challenges to protect everything they hold dear.
In this action-packed and sexy continuation, Sarah J. Maas brings the Crescent City series to new heights, placing the fate of their world in Bryce and Hunt’s hands. Fans of fantasy will not want to miss this captivating tale in House of Flame and Shadow.
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