Rumi’s Daughter by Muriel Maufroy is a captivating work of literary fiction that brings to life the story of Kimya, a young girl who is sent from her rural village to live in the home of the renowned mystical poet Rumi. This beautifully crafted novel explores Kimya’s journey as she grows under Rumi’s guidance, discovering her own mystical inclinations and spiritual path.
Set in thirteenth-century Anatolia, Rumi’s Daughter delves into the rich historical and spiritual context of Rumi’s life. Although much is known about Rumi’s poetry and his profound spiritual friendship with the enigmatic Shams, little has been written about his adopted daughter, Kimya. Muriel Maufroy weaves a tender and thought-provoking narrative that sheds light on Kimya’s experiences and her marriage to Shams, a man consumed by his longing for God.
The novel portrays the fiery and unconventional marriage between Kimya and Shams, a relationship marked by intense spirituality and ultimately dissolved by Kimya’s untimely death. Following her passing, Shams mysteriously disappears, leaving a profound impact on Rumi and those around him.
Rumi’s Daughter is a well-written and evocative novel that invites comparisons to Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist. It adds a fresh perspective to the world of literary fiction by offering readers a glimpse into the lesser-known aspects of Rumi’s life and the mystical journey of a young girl who was deeply influenced by one of the greatest poets of the Western world.
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