“Demons,” also known as “The Devils” or “The Possessed,” is a powerful and darkly comic novel by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, now available in a superb new translation as part of the Penguin Classics series.
This chilling and prophetic work delves into the lives of Pyotr and Stavrogin, the leaders of a radical revolutionary cell in Russia. Their goal is to overthrow the Tsar, dismantle society, and seize power for themselves.
As they train a group of terrorists ready to sacrifice everything for the cause, the group faces the threat of exposure. This peril leads to a tense and morally complex scenario: will the members resort to killing one of their own to protect the group? Inspired by a real-life political murder, “Demons” is a scathing critique of those who justify violence in pursuit of ideological ends. The novel’s narrative is both savage and engaging, blending serious themes with moments of dark humor, making it a timeless reflection on fanaticism and power.
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